Hello PMUers! I want to breakdown some status concerns.
Bind Status Breakdown:
I want to make this suggestion because I bet some of you who shiny hunt or go to certain dungeons than enemies spam binding moves gets to annoying, even more if you are surrounded by several than knows those moves and doesn’t let you even a chance to breath or even defend yourself. and it doesn’t help if beat up or ally switching moves are used by enemies, even more if you are by your own.
In regular games (Not PMD based), even if the binded status was up, you were able to attack back but still take the damage after and set free if the bind status user fainted.
In Love Status breakdown:
in this case, there is no turning back, you can’t attack and the turns that it takes to set free are too long to react back, and maybe you don’t have enough resources to beat that if you are a low level player or don’t know how to set up a good team. and same situations as bind status, they just do the trick and the other enemies beat up to call everyone and you are unable to do anything back.
here are my thoughts for nerf this and make it a bit more fair:
Make bind status and in-love status works as trapped status (like sand tomb, fire spin, etc) but set free next action when the caster fainted.
In case of in love, make it like paralyze status, a chance to make the affected pokemon not to attack (Like main games). In case of Bind status, just immobilize but allow the affected pokemon to attack back.
To conclude this idea: PMU is not turn based at all, is the one who is able to attack when it can, and also enemies use this, not players, so, it’ll be good this nerf to make those status not so annoying without the 100% turn based.
Only the move bind is a “full bind” to my knowledge, stuff like fire spin, infestation etc. just prevents you from moving. Is there another binding move that prevents attacking?
I agree, it’s a little ridiculous the infatuation (in love) status effect is a full stun. I’m not sure why PMD changed it from its normal incarnation into another sleep clone.
These are very similar to what I suggested for both ailments in my own thread here, though with slight alterations.
I’ve also recently changed my mind on Bind; I’m also not so sure the status effect is a problem if only one move inflicts it, and only at a 1-tile range to boot. It’s definitely dangerous, but you can play around it without having to specifically prepare for it.
Infatuation I’m 100% behind it being changed to a 50% chance to attack with free or limited movement that wears off when the inflictor faints; I don’t think it needs to prevent the target from moving at all, though.
The problem is, what about if you get surrounded by 2-4 pokemon who knows bind, they are in front of you, and they spam bind all the time as possible being already in the status of 1 who used bind already? you can try SG to test this out.
I didn’t meant being unable to move, I mean the chance to not do the move or attack you want to do. that’s what I meant with paralyze status attack chance.
You’d think after being with this series for 8 generations now, I wouldn’t be forgetting such old moves. Oops! Thanks for the reminder.
Ahhhh, that would explain it. I’ve never actually run SG–it’s one of the few, in fact. I think that may be an SG problem more than it is a bind needing a change, but I certainly wouldn’t complain if the status was changed to work like a partial trapping move instead.
Gooootcha. Sounds like we’re behind the exact same idea, then!