Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Final Hope (Roleplay)

This is it, guys. The official RP. I’m posting the plot and rules for your ease.

The two heroes destined to save our world from the Planet"s Paralysis have failed. Dialga has brutally killed them, and the planet has plunged into a darkness so thick that it"s almost impossible to imagine getting rid of it. Many Pokemon have died, and the remaining ones are mostly corrupt and black-hearted. Primal Dialga is now a terrible dictator, and Dusknoir"s Sableye are usually out to mug travelers or kill the ones who do not submit to Dusknoir or Dialga. There seems to be no hope…

…Except with the few who live in a small valley, at the center of the region. These are the few Pokemon left who are neither dead nor corrupt. They have decided to step up and go back in time…to the era of the two heroes. They must be the ones to discover the Relic Fragment, to summon Lapras, to collect the Time Gears…but will these Pokemon make it?


  1. Any and all of the Pokemon Mystery Universe rules apply.
  2. Keep it rated PG (E 10+) or less than that (G/E); no graphic violence, strong sexual themes, swearing, or other things like that are allowed.
  3. No Mary Sues (or Gary Stu for a boy). These are characters that are all-powerful, absolutely perfect, flawless, and with no mistakes.
  4. Do not God-mod (or control another person"s character) unless you have permission from the other person to do so.
  5. If you"re reading the rules and agreeing to them, write the word “Hope” somewhere in your sign-up sheet or your post. I"m telling you this in the middle of the rules just to be safe.
  6. A maximum of characters allowed is 4 (NOTE: This only applies for “main” characters that you have; extras [such as a random guy on the street who says “hi” to your Pokemon and has no major role in the entire plot] do not count and you don"t need a form for them.)
  7. Please use the character form when joining the RP.
  8. No fighting with each other OUTSIDE of the RP. This experience should be fun for everyone. Of course, in the RP, if your characters have arguments and stuff, it"s fine.
  9. Have fun!

(OOC: Sorry for the short post.)

Black paws struck the ground as an Umbreon sprinted across the small valley. Her purple eyes warily darted from one side to another. The Umbreon was breathing heavily, as if she had been running for a long time. When she reached the other side of the valley, she skidded to a stop, and crouched behind a tree trunk. The cold, gray, hard ground felt somewhat comforting under her paws. She sighed. Hopefully, the Sableye wouldn’t come after her here…

[boop c:]

A vine struck out to lash at a tree.

A Bulbasaur stood in front of the tree, satisfied with the deep gash she made on it. That’s enough for today, she thought, then sat down, looking at the Bronzong rock that hung from her necklace. She lifted it up with a vine and examined it. It still looked pretty weird to her, after such a long time of having it. That Bronzong probably gave me this as a good luck charm, but… I don’t see how this gave me good luck so far. She sighed, then stood up, walking towards a tall rock. Using her vines, she wrapped it around the top and climbed the rock.

When she reached the top, she could see nothing but the dark sky and the dark treetops of the trees. The same thing everyday. She looked around for any sign of Sableyes, or corrupted Pokemon. Nothing. She twitched when she heard a rustle from the branches and looked towards the direction it came from, only to see a Murkrow taking flight into the dark sky. It didn’t seem to notice her.

She sighed with relief and jumped down from the rock, admiring the gash she made on the tree earlier for a little while and then walking away. The trees seemed to move away from each other the more she walked farther, until she came across some kind of grassland. Well, at least it was a grassland.

However, she soon noticed it was some kind of cliff. She looked over the cliff, seeing yet another dark and murky forest stretching to the horizon. Somewhere to the left, she saw a lake, which must have been beautiful before the planet’s paralysis. To the right, she saw a small town. A few dark dots moved across the town. Must be some Houndooms.

She stayed on the cliff for a moment, trying to imagine what the view would look like if the planet didn’t fall to corruption.

[BLEH sorry for long post]

The Sableye was kicked across the blackened ground, and the Luxio dug his paws into said ground, fleeing before he could be ambushed. He randomly ran, and didn’t care. All he knew was to stay in that familiar place. The valley. More Sableye could get the residents hurt, so he fled not only for himself, anyhow. Kestrel could just about fit into a tree hollow, with a little trouble leaping in, and he pushed himself into the more shady part; Not that it wasn’t already dark. His sides heaved, and his knotted,thin, blue mane was practically crushed. He shut his stinging eyes for a second; They always hurt. Especially now. Or the future. Whatever this was.

OOC: Oh Arceus, at some point I’ll do something that a blind Pokémon shouldn’t complete. X.x

After a while, the Umbreon heaved a sigh of relief. It didn’t seem too dangerous. Moonlight rose to her paws, walking around the trunk and towards the center of the valley. She kicked at gray stones on the ground. She watched as they skidded along, a small trail of dust spraying behind them. The stones gradually slowed down, until they stopped completely.

“If I keep training, I might grow strong enough to make it back to Tanren. I might be able to visit my parents…if they’re still alive…and I might be able to…” Her voice trailed off, and she looked up at the jet-black sky. The Umbreon started thinking. Those ‘heroes’ who tried to save our world…they failed so badly. They weren’t experienced enough, I guess. Or, if they really were as talented and special as most say…they didn’t take it seriously. They didn’t know that their children and grandchildren and great-nieces and nephews would go through this. I just…don’t know. It’s too late for the world to be saved, but…if I were in their place, I’d definitely take it more seriously.

She ambled over to an old, withering tree, scrambling up the trunk and into a branch. The Umbreon lay on the branch, her chin resting on her black paws. From here, she could see all of the valley and a bit of what was beyond. Moonlight continued to talk to herself in her mind, staring down at what she now called her home.

On the side of a rocky outcropping, Zebillus sat whistling his old favourite tune. After looking behind him quickly he noted the presence of absolutely no corrupted Pokemon in sight. This didn’t make sense…the whole world dark, and surely the only survivors (to his knowledge) would be the corrupted Pokemon’s first thought? But, as if in response to Zebillus’ thoughts, a strong gale of wind blew across the outcropping, so strong he had to shield himself. When it was over he looked up, fangs flaring, to see a big…something…the size of a Legendary Pokemon, completely pitch black, and emitting enough Darkness to power an entire world, or at least thats what it felt like. He watched it fly away a bit, only to circle the valley where everyone was twice, and then completely vanish. He stood up silently, a shadow against the frozen moon, the last source of light, however feeble, an epitath to hope, thinking. “The darkness has come” was all he muttered before walking away from the valley.

The random half breed mudkip-pikachu woke up, to find that the sky had darkened, then he thought Oh no! What if I go rouge? Just then he noticed he cant be, he must be a surviver, because after that first thought he thought No, I can’t be, If I was, I wouldent think that.

He noticed a random vine-whipped tree trunk, and he looked around for a bulbasaur or any evolution of it. He spotted one, and he called up to him “Are the sabiliy”–

(OOC: or however you spell it)

“chasing after you?” He scaled the tree and noticed he looked frightened. “Never saw a pokemon that had a dropped egg did you? I’m Anthony, but everybody calls me Mudchu.” Or at least they used to! he thought.

(OOC: If you dont want me talking to you, I can edit the post entirley.)

The Umbreon noticed the…thing that was climbing up the tree. She squinted. Is that a Mudkip…or a Pikachu?

Moonlight sighed, shaking her head. Her eyesite was getting bad, she guessed. The Umbreon considered shouting a greeting to it, but decided against it. No one could be sure who was corrupt and who wasn’t…no one could really be sure if they’d live for the next five minutes, really. No one could be sure of anything. All because of those stupid ‘heroes’.

(OOC: It’s spelled “Sableye”. And mind if Moonlight and Anthony meet up?)

(OOC: Wasent sure if you wanted to meet up, but sure, we can.)

Anthony noticed there was no pokemon in this tree, so he jumped down to see a scared looking umbreon.

“Are you getting chased by Sableye? Do you see one?” He turns around then turns back.

“My name is Anthony, and yes… I’m half pikachu half mudkip… You could call me mudchu, everybody does… My egg was dropped before I had hatched, and my egg was dropped on a mudkip’s tail, and it’s DNA must have gotten into a crack in the egg… Anyways, I’m anthony. And I have short term memory loss sometimes, just on and off… Sometimes because of it I think i’m seeing light grey clouds, but when I blink they’re gone.”

He put out his paw waiting for a paw-shake, but he thought it might not want to.

After a while of staring, the Bulbasaur looked at the sky. It was time to move on.

She never knew why or how she knew the time. The sky was always dark. She sighed and stood up, hearing the laughter of the Sableye nearby. Lashing out her vines, she swung herself from tree to tree, getting away from the Sableye. They were after her, too. To corrupt her mind.

She stopped a fair distance from the group, then fell down to the dark grass. At least it was still soft.

She sat down on it, staring at the dark meadow beyond. The flowers stayed fixed in the wind. Some petals that were blown away by the wind right before the paralysis stayed hanging in the wind, never to move on. They would never explore the world.

In a way, it made her sad. Before, when she was a child, she’d always want to explore with her parents. Every single time, they told her not to come. But now, her parents sent her out for a few months, and after the planet’s paralysis she returned, only to see her siblings and parents either dead or had their minds corrupted.

She still doesn’t see how this “good luck charm” gave her good luck so far.

Nearby, she could hear the voices of Pokemon. But they weren’t the Ekans-like voices of Sableye. She turned around and saw an Umbreon and a… what is that?

She stood up and walked towards them cautiously. “Who… are you?”

She blinked a few times, before shaking her head slightly and jumping down the tree. Hopefully, this guy wasn’t going to hurt her…he didn’t seem evil or anything like that. Moonlight thought for a moment, then slowly extended her paw, shaking Anthony’s firmly.

“It’s…very nice to meet you,” she told the Pokemon, trying her best to force a smile. Moonlight’s ears suddenly twitched upon hearing the Bulbasaur approaching. She eyed it.

“I’m Moonlight. Who are you, Bulbasaur…?”

She stopped.

She stared at the Umbreon.

Her mind wandered to the past. Her mother and father once told her to keep away from strangers. She didn’t keep away today, for she knew these strangers didn’t have their minds corrupted. Still, she knew better than to say her name. These Pokemon might stab her in the back when she isn’t looking. For all she knew, they could be the spies of Dialga.

After a while of thinking, she finally said: “Elvire.”

She hated lying. But, better safe than sorry. She knew her real name was Cyrille.

Somehow, she thought why she chose Elvire as a fake name. She once wanted that as her real name, so that’s a win for her.

She turned to the… Mudkip slash Pikachu. “And you? Who are you?” she asked. Those kinds of Pokemon were the rare ones. Different parents, mutant Pokemon. She once wanted to be a hybrid, too, but the idea was silly to her now. The Bronzong necklace hung around her neck, fixated in the air since no wind came to gently push it sideways.

No good luck yet.

[I SWEAR why do I somehow try to find ways to make my post longer…]

Anthony turned to look at the bulbasaur. “Never seen a pikachu whos egg was dropped on a mudkips tail? The DNA seeped into a crack in the egg when I was dropped, or thats what mom told me… Mom and dad are both Raichu’s, and my little brother is a Pichu… I have a choice to become Raichu or what ever comes after Mudkip, I forgot which one it is… I’m Anthony.”

He put out his paw to shake the Bulbasaur’s vine.

So this is a different case; no different parents here… Hm, that’s rare, “Elvire” thought. She carefully extended a vine to shake Anthony’s paw.

Now it’s time for the unintentional inspection. If they were the spies of Dialga, they would know why everyone’s minds become corrupted. If they were the spies of Dialga, they would know why they want everyone’s minds to be corrupted.

There’s a possible chance she’s the only one with an uncorrupted mind; however, these two might also be uncorrupted. There’s a chance for that, as well. Maybe these two aren’t the spies of Dialga.

She asked the question.

“So… do you two think you know why everyone’s minds are corrupted?” she asked, her tone filled with curiosity.

Maybe, just maybe, the Bronzong rock gave her a tiny bit of good luck this time.

“What?!? No, I dont know why!” He whispered into the bulbasaurs ear “I absolutely HATE Dialga, but if the Sableye hear, I’d be dead meat!”

He backed away slowly.

“Why do you ask?” He looked at the bulbasaur, scanning it slowly, but not making it noticable.

“Are you a spy?” he asked in a whisper with frightened eyes.

“Why do I ask? Just wanted to know,” she replied. Definitely not Dialga’s spies.

“And no, I’m not a spy. If I was, I’d corrupt your minds then and there, Dialga’s spy or not.” She stared at them with a blank expression. “Anyways, why’re you two out here? Anyone with uncorrupted minds would know better than to be out in the open.”

That was true. The Sableyes are everywhere, and if you get caught by one, that’s it. If you get caught by one, that’s basically the end of everything intelligent, reasonable, and emotional thoughts and feelings in your brain. If you get caught by one, you’ll reduce to nothing more than a vicious, raging shell of a Pokemon, doomed to never feel anything, never think about anything; doomed to kill and be killed.

“Elvire” thought it was a miserable life.

The tiny bit of good luck the Bronzong rock gave was now gone.

Wallace frowned. His sensitive hearing made the groups chat be heard from the rock he was behind, 10 yards away. He was attempting to read a book about Mystery Dungeons, but the discussion was bothering him. He shut the book, slid it under the dull-colored rose bush that was frozen in place next to him.
Nonchalantly, he walked over to the three.
“Ey, could ya keep it down, lads? I’m tryin’ ta read.”

“Elvire” turned to the Herdier. “How could you read in a time like this?” she demanded. “The world is basically dead. It’s all black and gray now. And you could only think of reading? Aren’t the Sableye after you?”

She wasn’t the one to give a sudden outburst. She wasn’t like that. But for some reason her mind told her to. “Elvire” turned back around, facing the mutant and the Umbreon. Using a vine, she picked up a flower and threw it in the air. She watched it fly up for a second, before staying fixed in the midst of motionless floating rocks and petals. The flower was stuck there forever. There was nothing anything can do to it anymore.

“Elvire” stared at the fixated flower for a second, then turned back to the Herdier and sighed. “Sorry for the outburst…”

(OOC: Chu called meh mutant? LOL)

Anthony looked around, then back at the herider. He picked up a pebble, and threw it acrossed a still lake… It bounced once, then paused, as well as the ripple in the water, still right where it bounced, fixated forever.

“So, why does everything seem to pause?” He wanted to act stupid for some reason… He then thought I’m feeling Claustrophobic… I just want a few of them away from me… Just the herider and I should be fine.

(OOC: No offense intended Splash.)

The Herdier raised an eyebrow.
“I do realize that yer and my world is dead… But that doesn’t mean I can’t read, ya’know.” Wallace paused, looking up. “It sure does get pretty borin’, eh? That’s why I be readin’. I take care ta avoid the Sableye, though.” He looked back to ‘Elvire’. “And It’s fine. I ain’t mad at yah.”
Wallace frowned. This one seemed to be pretty concerned, he thought. That other one seems ta be very strange… some mix of sorts. And the other? Eh. I dunno.
“Well, obviously the world froze since yer ‘heros’,” He sneered at the word, “failed ta complete their mission and died.”

“Well, I was born half pikachu half mudkip, you know…” he thought the same message back in his head the wy he thought he might say it. Well, It seems ya were born a mix of Pikachu and Mudkip ya’know He laughed inwardly, not changing his expression.

“Each time i meet a new person, they think I am a mutated spy, so i try to tell them i’m not, and most of them dont believe me… I saw a red bulbasaur earlier, and he thought I was corrupted, he shouted ‘STRANGER!!!’ and I hid in a frozen lake with dive, and they took him away, and corrupted them, if you know what i mean.”

He knew that he somehow had two different move sets, so he can learn four electric type moves, and four water types, and if he chooses to evolve into Raichu, he will only keep the thunder type moves, but if he evolves into a Marshtomp, then I will only keep my water type moves… He is confused on how to change using different types… It seems as though he does it in his sleep, but he doesn’t know how… Today he can only use water type moves, and tomorrow it will be electric type again…

(OOC: I had to add on that third paragraph, just to clarify, but MAN ITS TOO LONG NOW!!! ( -_-;))