Pokemon: Sunwing Academy (RP)

Ever since the new system was implemented, it has become harder and harder for people to become Pokemon Trainers. At first they were given the Pokemon Trainer"s license after reaching or exceeding a certain age limit, but because of poachers, poor trainers and evil corporations, security had to be raised.

Instead of having the simple age limit to allow a person to become a Trainer, they now have to take a test to earn it. Unfortunately this means that some would never get the chance to start their own journey on the route to be a Pokemon master or co-coordinator. However, this does not stop you from keeping Pokemon as pets or friends, but it does place a limit on what those pets and friends are allowed to do. Those who were already trainers however, would have to take the test, but it would be easier for them as they had obviously been trainers for some time already and shared experiences with their Pokemon.

As difficult as the test may be, there were always schools that could help you. Sunwing Academy was never that popular a school, not until it"s rebuild after the incident with Moltres 3 years ago.

You took a test to try and earn your right as a trainer, but unfortunately you couldn"t pass. You are one of the few lucky enough to receive an invitation to a school seeing as most have run out of spaces or are not as good as they have to be.

Whatever your reasons for attending, you pick up a pen and fill out the form.

RP Rules
-All PMU rules apply.
-At least 3 sentences per post please.
-No OOC only posts. You can always use the Sign Up thread for this if you need too.
-No Mary-Sues/Gary-Oaks. This means no “perfect” characters. Everyone has negatives, just as they have positives.
-Do not Godmod. Be fair, you can"t win every battle, or dodge every attack. You win some, you lose some.
-To prove you have read the rules, at a “Preferred type specialty” field to your Sign Up, under the “Reason for Attending” field and write which area you hope your character will be best at.
-Keep relationships at PG13 at most.
-Please use proper grammar, this means no text talk. Spell check is rather useful.
-If you signed up for the previous roleplay, [link] you may use the same characters.
School Rules
-Any unauthorized use of Pokemon will result in the Pokemon being removed from the student. Further punishment to the student may be dealt if seen necessary.
-Arriving late or missing lessons will result in detention.
-No running in the corridors.
-Students are only allowed to leave the school grounds to go to the city between 15:00 and 19:00. Any students caught outside of the school grounds before or after these times without a member of staff will have their gate card revoked until further notice.
-Staff must be treated with respect or the student may be removed from the class.
-Pokemon battles and training will only be allowed in the forest or the underground courts with a member of staff present.
-Students are not allowed in the staff building without authorization.
-Give the staff your candy.
-The use of Pokegear, Poketch, C-gear and other similar devices are banned during classes.

The Staff
Sunwing Academy"s teachers are well known for their success in the world of Pokemon. The teachers they offer are rather well known as the majority of them are in fact Gym leaders. Unfortunately they can"t always be around so unfortunately there is a rather random school timetable. However, the school has some teachers who work full-time, giving some sort of stability to the school lesson chart.

[spoilerSchool Timetable:2cf424gl]Mon, Wed, Fri

8:20 - 8:45: Registration

8:50 - 9: 40: Elemental Class
-Teaches about different Pokemon Types-
Teacher: -Will be announced/See Chart-

9:45 - 10:45: Health Class
-Teaches how to treat wounds and look after your Pokemon-
Teacher: Nurse Joy

10:45 - 10:55 Break

11:00 - 12:00: Co-ordinator Class
-Teaches the aesthetics of battling by teaching the pupils about Pokemon contests.-
Teacher: Wallace/Dawn

12:05 - 13:05: Battle Class
-Teaches the Pupils strategies and tricks which could help them in battle, ties in with Elemental Classes-
Teacher: Clair/Blue

13:05 - 13. 55: Lunch

14:00 - 15:00: Survival Class
-Teaches how to survive in the wilderness, how to cope if lost/separated and how to cook.-
Teacher: Brock/Cilan

15:00 - 15:30 - 16:00: Detention

Tues, Thurs
8:20 - 8:45: Registration

8:50 - 9:40: Breeding Class
-Teaches about the different species and egg groups of Pokemon-
Teacher: Brock

9:45 - 10:45: Elemental Class
-Teaches about different Pokemon Types-
Teacher: -Will be announced/See Chart-

10:45 - 10:55 Break

11:00 - 12:00: Item Class
-Teaches about all the different items and their uses.
Teacher: Nurse Joy

12:05 - 13:05: Elemental Class 2
-Teaches about different Pokemon Types-
Teacher: -Will be announced/See Chart-

13:05 - 13:55: Lunch

14:00 - 15:00: Survival Class
-Teaches how to survive in the wilderness, how to cope if lost/separated and how to cook.-
Teacher: Cilan/Brock

15:00 - 15:30 - 16:00: Detention

[spoilerElemental Classes:2cf424gl]Normal: Norman/Lenora
Fire: Blaine/Flannery
Fighting: Brawly/Maylene
Water: Wallace/Juan/Misty
Flying: Falkner/Winona
Grass: Gardenia/Erika
Poison: Janine/Roxie
Electric: Volkner/Elesa
Ground: Clay/Bertha
Psychic: Lucian/Sabrina
Rock: Roark/Roxanne
Ice: Pryce/Candice
Bug: Bugsy/Aaron
Dragon: Clair/Drayden
Ghost: Morty/Shauntal
Dark: Sidney/Grimsley
Steel: Jasmine/Byron

[spoilerSchool Floor Plan:2cf424gl]Click here for the map.

[spoilerDorm Arrangements:2cf424gl]The level of the dorms are equal, but occasionally the school will hold competitions between the dorms.
Entei Dorm
Sapphy128-Maria Wickers
-Terry Smith
Agunimon-Alexandra McKenzie
MarieTheMareep-Cosette Meridith Sharron
XxSorraxX-Yukito Kanade
Dratini-Hylia Sovira Tenula
Suicune Dorm
Sapphy128-Alice Stanford
ShinyUmbreon1998-Alice Alexander
Maraia-Garrohn Hilior
Luraila-Estelle Ravendale
Dratini-Riel Cillerion
XxSorraxX-Rinika Kanade
Raikou Dorm
Sapphy128-Emily Rose
-Arthur Redgrave
Dratini-Cilua Ryuu Alie
Nuxl-Blake Ratchet
Luraila-Amaryllis Silvanus


Wingull glided lazily alongside the boat as it docked into the harbor. The time was 7:52 AM, it took almost an hour for the Kanto ferry to reach the island. There were many other boats in the harbor. It was to be expected, after all this was still an island, and a rapidly developing one at that.

Terry stood up, taking care not to topple over because of the change from swaying to stability. He wobbled out of his row but tripped and crashed into someone who had just walked past.
“Owowow.” Terry said, rolling back into a seated position and holding his shin. He looked up and noticed he had knocked the other boy over as well. “Oh, I’m sorry.”
“Ugh, watch where you’re going next time you idiot!” The boy clambered up, leaning on a table. He dusted himself off then turned back to look at Terry. “You need to watch where you’re goin’ kid, or else you’re gonna end up hurtin’ someone else.”
“I-I’m sorry.” Terry hadn’t expected him to react that way, he expected him to just forgive him then go, but he did knock him down to the floor. Terry stood himself up, grabbed his bag and got off the boat.

At a first glance, the city looked a bit like Castelia City. It was situated by the sea, had several docks and many buildings, but not as many as Castelia City and none as tall as them either. There were quite a lot of buildings with scaffolding on them. They were either newly built buildings or they were being improved in some way. Either way the buildings were modern and the town was vastly improving to keep up with the outside world. He walked off of the dock, he had heard enough of the ocean for one day.

Maria rubbed the traces of sleep from her eye. She didn’t normally wake up at 6. She likes to sleep in as late as possible and only woke early for urgent matters. She looked down to check her Poketch. "Ugh, almost 8. I’d probably still be asleep by now. She laid her head against the window and shut her eyes again. The Johto ferry had a few minor problems which needed fixing, but the boat was still delayed from leaving Johto for 30 minutes, which was a pain considering how cold it was. At least they were allowed to wait on the boat.

As soon as Alice got off the boat she noticed the shops. She immediately ran up to the shop windows to admire the clothes they had. She would have gone in and shopped around if she had any money. Alice had panicked so much the night before that she packed pretty much everything she owned, but money was the one thing she forgot. That and a hairbrush. She had a panic attack on the boat because of it but she got over it. She still dreads the days to come.

Emily didn’t waste her time on touring the city. She had already been here once before and she wasn’t bothered about anything she saw. She went to the school and waited. It was 07:10. She waited there until 07:30, exchanging the occasional word with Arthur who was waiting also.
“You’ve been here before then huh? What for?”
“Oh, uhh, research.”
Arthur narrowed his eyes and gave a slight smile. “What kind of research.”
“Does it matter?” Emily mimicked his expression.
“Well it depends on what you were ‘researching’. Is it dangerous?”
“Depends what you consider ‘dangerous’.” She imitated his voice for the word ‘dangerous’. Emily was never good at impressions, but Arthur understood what she was doing.
“Why’re you bein’ so rude? We only just met.”
“Well why are you being so nosy?”
“You still haven’t answered my question.” His eyes narrowed into a glare but his attention shifted when he spotted someone walking out of the school.

The woman was the schools very own Nurse Joy. “Good Morning, children.”
“Hi.” Arthur replied.
“Good morning, Nurse Joy.” Emily smiled and shook the Nurse’s hand.
The Nurse smiled and looked around a little bit. “It doesn’t seem like everyone is here yet, do you mind if we wait for a little whole longer?”
“Sure, I don’t mind. I imagine most of them are walking around the city at the moment.”
“Hehe. Probably. I don’t imagine many of you would have come to visit Dewfrost City. We were only a small town not long back.”
“Yeah, I remember. It’s only been a year since I was last here. It’s a lot bigger than it used to be.”
Arthur sighed and folded his arms. He was no longer interested in their conversation. He moved away to his suitcase and stood it upright before sitting back on it, scratching his shoes into the dusty path while he waited for more people to arrive.

Amaryllis looked around at the tall buildings. She was used to the buildings in Hearthome, but the buildings here were way taller than back there.

Hmm… Now where is that school… she thought, looking around. Was she lost? Nah. She’s perfectly fine. She just needs to find the school and she’s good.

She sighed. Agh… I’m lost…

[sorry for the short post, my brain is dead atm;;]

OOC: God that’s long. X.X -Post- First time RPing 2 characters in one post, so sorry if it’s a little horrid.

Rinika was casually on her way to the school grounds. It was only around 7:30, so she was sure she had plenty of time. She hoped that she wouldn’t get lost, though that would be highly unlikely, considering that Yukito was right next to her. A sure sign you weren’t lost? People. There were a good handful of them on what seemed to be the school. She often wondered why they called it Sunwing Academy in the first place. Nonetheless, being the absolute failure he was, Yukito was running up to the other students, introducing himself. “I’m Yukito~! The kid over there is my sister, Rinika.”
Rinika was standing a fair distance away. She wasn’t a fan of attention. Yukito knew that. And yet he just had to introduce her. It doesn’t matter anyway, it is something that can’t be helped. Rinika continued to observe the others. Now that she’s here she might as well wait for others. It seemed those other students were doing the same anyway.

Cosette was so glad to be off the boat. She’d never actually gone on a boat ride before, and ended up getting motion sick. She looked at all the many other boats in the harbor with a sigh. Shaking off the feelings of sickness, Cosette pulled out a camera from her bag and began to take pictures of the city. She’d promised to send pictures home to her parents so her family knows that she’s okay and enjoying herself. After a few minutes and some dozen pictures, Cosette began to head to the school.

Upon arriving at the school grounds, Cosette noticed the other students and nurse joy. She swallowed hard unsure of what to do, then walked over to them slowly. In a quiet voice, Cosette muttered out a greeting to the other students, her hands tightly clasped on her camera. “Um. . . H-Hello. . .”

Rinika looked at Cosette, tilting her head.
Yukito on the other hand took notice immediately, his attention turned to Cosette. “Hello~! I’m Yukito! The kid is my sister, Rinika! What might your name be~?” He smiled, giving his usual energy-filled introduction.
Rinika sat down, watching the others. The day was already getting annoying.

OOC: 11:46. Brain dead. OTL

OoC: TBH, I didn’t post since I didn’t know when to start lol.

Waking up at 5:00 AM was a natural thing for Blake, as he usually had early clients at 6:00 so him and his dad would prepare the things they needed before that. They were the only mechanics in town, so they were usually on a busy schedule. Blake took a shower, brushed his teeth, dressed up, and checked if he had gotten everything he needed for that day.

Spare clothes, check, toothbrush, check, toolbox, check…

After checking everything down, it was already 6:30 AM, so he rushed downstairs to get a bowl of cereal with milk. His hand slipped and an unhealthy amount of cereal came out of the box.

Really? Why right now?

Cleaning up the mess and gulping down his meal, he got his luggage and said goodbye to his parents who gave him hugs that lasted for a long time. Walking out the door, he could see the boat being boarded by several teenagers planning to become trainers. He walked over there, showed his identification and ticket, and boarded the ship. He intended to stay indoors as the rocky trip might make him lose his luggage.

The boat got a bit bumpier, and some careless people flew out of the boat, making the trip delayed as they had to send lifeboats down to rescue the people from incoming Sharpedos and Carvanhas.

Dang, this is just stupid. Don’t stand near the edge, know-it-alls.

Around 8:00 AM, 30 minutes after the boat was supposed to arrive, he was one of the first to get his luggage and get off the boat. He looked at the futuristic design and tall, modern buildings.

Kind of reminds me of Jubilife. he thought.

He noticed a bunch of students in a group around a Nurse Joy, and he went over to see what’s happening.

OoC: Yeah, not too sure what else to post. Seems a bit rushed, imo. Just noticed I have 2 pokemon that will be the same exact type in the future. That’s what I get, I guess :P

Cosette was a bit shocked when the boy named Yukito introduced himself and his sister Rinika to her. She was shaking a little when she tried to introduce herself out of nervousness"I’m. . um . . I’m Co-cosette. It’s n-nice to m-meet you. . ." Her face was bright red when she finished studdering out her introduction, embarrassed that she couldn’t get it out properly.


Amaryllis made her way to a group of people around Nurse Joy. Finally.~


Estelle sighed. She had found the group, and now she’s just waiting for them to just get on with it and show them to the academy. She kept looking around, as if waiting for someone, though sometimes she had a scared look on her face.

Calm down, Estelle. They won’t notice you.

Garrohn walked off the boat, then broke into a jog towards Nurse Joy to give her his sign-up form, but not before she spoke up.

“I’m sorry, sir,” Nurse Joy apologized, “but you’re a bit too old to be-”

“Read the form,” Garrohn interrupted impatiently.

“Alright, alright,” Nurse Joy groaned.

“Oh, I see. The reason you look so old is because of a disease.”

“That is correct.”

“Well, then, welcome to Sunwing Academy! Enjoy your stay!”

“Thank you. I endeavor to have the time of my life.”

OoC: Sorry for the kinda short post! I’m trying to get back into the groove of RPing.

A 14-year old girl stepped off the ferry, dressed formally and prim and proper, unlike some of the people there. She had a suitcase behind her back, with a bright glint in her eye. She went over to Nurse Joy and gave a brief ‘hello’. But mentally, she was thinking about what others would of thought of her, looking so formal, unlike some of the students.
I hope that there are people willing to accept me…
She accidentally bumped into Arthur while thinking.
“Oh, I’m sorry!” She said quietly, only loud enough to hear, but not if you were a few feet away.

Two other kids got off the boat.

One of them, a boy, was listening to the radio, while the other was a girl dragging her luggage in a bored manner.

She was irked at all the noise. She hadn’t expected much of the school, perhaps a small city of sorts. She hadn’t expected it to be so grand. So loud. So much light.

The deep caverns of darkness in the world were more suited.

But she had failed the test, and she wanted to be a Coordinator desperately. So she had to resort to this academy of sorts.

The boy, listening to the radio, noticed the crowd around Nurse Joy, and drifted over there, suitcase dragged behind him. The girl followed, although grudgingly.

Rinika looked at the others who have arrived. One was what seemed to be maybe a 15-year old girl who looked like a absolute princess, bumping into someone who seemed to be extremely weird. Then there was a 30 or something year-old man who’s apparently attending, despite being or at least looking way too old. “There’s a lot of weird people attending…” She thought to herself, before turning her attention back to Yukito.
The idiot simply smiled at Cosette. He didn’t even seem to care that Cosette was a nervous wreck. “Nice to meet you~! I hope we have a great… uh… However-long-it-takes-year-or-something together~!” He smiled. It wasn’t hard to say that he was a absolute idiot by now.

Estelle looked at the others. They seem like good friends… noisy enough to distract me yet also a bit quiet enough… she thought. …Though I myself am getting a bit quiet. Hmm… what to say…

Amaryllis looked at the newcomers who just arrived. “How did you guys just get here?” she asked. Apparently, politeness isn’t her forte.

[[ i make the shortest posts ever cries ]]

OOC: Hoooooly Craaaaaaap. You guys post like crazy. :o.or:
I’ll try to put quality over quantity. Kinda afraid that I might not be able to keep up with you guys though. ; n ;
And I feel like this is way too short compared to Sapphy’s. Lololol.


Today was the day. It had been circled with red marker on her calendar. Viciously, zealously, extremely circled. Too bad she had to wake up early. It had been a sudden change from the sleepy, casual lifestyle of Fortree City. The quiet chirps of Tailow could be heard in the distance. Even though there were many other houses in sight, the early glow of morning made the town seem lifeless for just a moment.

“Mornin’,” Dad called out. The smell of breakfast escaped from the kitchen. She was hungry.

After a short drive to Lilycove, Alex took a deep breath and looked at the ferry, and future, that awaited her. Quietly, her Dad pulled his hat off of his head and walked towards her.

“Alex. Here’s my cap and goggles. Be proud to wear them, and make sure you bring it back. I’ll be waiting.”

Then, he pulled his hat onto her head. Alex nodded, trying to shake the idea of tears away.
After a trip on the ferry, Alex arrived at what she presumed was the city near Sunwing Academy. After a bit of wandering around, she managed to find a large group of people. It looked like they were in front of the school, or somewhere around there, in the least. Some were talking, some stayed quiet and kept to themselves. There was definitely a mix of appearances too. Someone who looked a tad too old to be attending was in the midst of the crowd. Some wore fancy, perhaps out of style, clothing. Sheesh.

Habitually, Alex adjusted her collar, walked to Nurse Joy and gave her a hello.

After a few minutes of standing, Alex gave up and decided to sit on her suitcase, hoping to get a few Zs.

The boy listening to the i-pod looked up from shuffling through songs.

“Oh, just the ferry. It’s a bit bumpy, but not much.” He said easily. His chocolate brown eyes gave off a friendly glow, and a bit of adventurous spirit.

“Well, obviously. It’s how all of us got here, isn’t it?” The girl interjected. She looked rather annoyed at the sounds of the city, and was standing in a patch of shade. Her dark brown hair loosely fell to her hips.

“I can’t wait to get my Pokemon, in all honesty. I hope I get a grass or flying type!” The boy said. Although looking bored, his eyes gave off a excited glow.

“Pfft. I specialize in ghost and dark.” The girl said with a slight yawn. “Speaking of which, what types are you guys looking for?”

“Steel,” Amaryllis replied. “Steel-types are awesome, really.~” She looked at both of them. “…By the way, my name’s Amaryllis.”

Estelle looked at the group, smiling happily. There. They’re a bit balanced on the noise.~ She quietly walked over to Amaryllis, standing behind her. Now how do I jump in…

The boy with the I-pod smiled.

“My name’s Riel. Some people call me Arcy.” He said in a friendly manner.

“Name’s Hylia. People call me Achesti. But please, don’t call me Achesti. Hylia will do.” She said with a slightly calmer expression when the noise was lower. Her eyes actually twinkled. Dark hazel with gold. She still looked like she could flip out any second.

OOC// I wrote a post but I crashed JUST before I was about to submit. Dx

Arthur felt something knock into him. It startled him to the point that he almost fell off of his suitcase.
“Hey!” He shouted out without realizing who bumped him. He expected it to be the boy from before, but it was a girl, she looked a lot younger than most of the others here too. She looked dressed to impress. Most of the people came dressed in casual clothing. Nevertheless Arthur wasn’t one to judge too much based on appearances.
“Oh, sorry for shouting at you.” He reached out to shake her hand. “I’m Arthur Redgrave, what’s your name?”

Nurse Joy pressed a few buttons on her C-Gear as she made a call. It was difficult to hear what she was saying unless you were close enough.
“Yeah, I think that’s all of them. Uhm, half past. Ok, get them ready and I’ll see you later.” Nurse Joy hung up the call then turned to the crowd gathering outside of the school.
“Alright, if you will all like to come through we can begin the tour.”

Nurse Joy inserted a card into the panel on the gate panel. It opened as if welcoming the children into the school.
The Nurse took them on a tour around the school, explaining the rules and limits to what you can and can’t do, and where you should and shouldn’t do them.
“Sheesh, don’t do this, don’t do that.” Arthur muttered under his breath, but even then he couldn’t escape the Nurse’s sharp ears.
“Well, it’s all for your safety. We don’t want any casualties do we?”
Arthur just sighed, shut his eyes and lowered his head.

Eventually the tour came to an end. Everyone was stood in the corridor to their dorms.
“Check the lists for our names then go into your dorms. It’s almost 8 so I’ll give you half an hour to do what you want, as long as you’re sensible. At 8:30 I want you all to go outside. Someone should be there to meet you.”

Arthur didn’t bother unpacking, he grabbed the closest bed and fell onto it, face down.
“My feet are killing me.” He mumbled into the bed sheets.
Alice stared into the mass of clothes in one of her suitcases. She took them out one by one and laid them all across her bed. “Now, how will I organize my wardrobe.”

Time passed quickly and before she knew it the time was 8:30. Maria spent her first few minutes inspecting the dorm. The cupboards were filled with cooking utensils and various basic food items such as rice and pasta. Maria hoped she wouldn’t have to cook for herself. She was a terrible cook, often getting distracted and burning whatever she was cooking.

Maria calmly made her way out when she noticed someone sitting in the field outside of the school. He was sitting down and drinking tea. Once she got closer, she recognized who it was. There were a few other people there already, talking to him, people she had walked into the school with.
“Wow, so, who is your favorite Pokemon?”
“Well, I can’t say I have a favorite because they all work just as hard as each other.”
“Aww, so what’s it like being a Gym Leader?”
“Well, It’s fun. You get to meet new people all the time.”
“Isn’t it hard?”
“Hmm.” Morty was thinking about how to answer this question when he noticed Maria standing near the building. “Hey! Why don’t you come join us?”
Maria felt her face turning red, she began to worry about what he thought of her just standing there. Despite that, she walked on out to the field to sit with them and eventually joined in with asking questions as well.

Morty waited until everyone arrived. “So anyway, now that you’re all here, we have a surprise for you.”
He reached behind him and opened his large brown satchel. “You’re all quite lucky, we’re the first school to try this out. We believe that the best way for you to learn will be from experience.”
He pulled some cards out of the bag. They were about the same size as a credit card and were pale shades of the dorm colours.
“I’ll start with the Entei Dorm.” He took the pale red cards out of the pile. “Can Terry Smith please come here.”

Terry was one of the first ones there, so he was sitting quite close to him. “Uhh, I’m here.” He raised his hand slightly.
“Right.” Morty inspected the Pokeballs and handed three of them to the boy, along with the light red student trainer card. “Don’t open them yet.” He whispered. He did this to each of the students until everyone had three Pokeballs and a student trainer card.

Alice was curious about the Pokeballs. He said not to open them, did that mean there was something in them? “Why can’t we open them yet?” She asked.
“No real reason, I just thought it’d be nice if everyone opened them at the same time.”

Morty had finished handing out everyone their cards and Pokeballs. Alice was jumping with excitement. “Can we open them yet?”
“Go for it.”

“Finally.” Arthur released his three Pokemon at once. A Carvanha and a Woobat eh? That’s pretty cool but what’s the other one?
“I’ve never seen anything like you before.” He said, crouching down to pet the Zorua on the head.
The Zorua quickly jumped back just out of his reach. He took slow, slight steps forward towards the boy, sniffing his hand. Arthur stood up before the Zorua was finished smelling him out.

“Why don’t you name them?” Morty said to Emily as she examined her Pokemon.
“Maybe.” She said quietly, poking and prodding the Pokemon as she looked over them.

Maria and Terry both instantly fell in love with their Pokemon. Maria loved ground types and she loved the shape of the Rhyhorn. The warmth of the Charmander brought back many memories. It reminded her of her Camerupt. The Trapinch was an odd one though, as soon as it emerged it dug itself a small hole which it crawled into so only it’s upper head was exposed.

Terry adored his Deino’s cute expression. They instantly took a liking to each other, as if they were made for each other.
“Dei! Dei!” It cheered as Terry picked her up.
“Wow, you’re not as heavy as I thought.”
“Dei Dei!” It waved it’s forelegs up and down.

Morty smiled as he watched the reactions of the Pokemon and their new trainers. “We’ve also decided that today we will have a half day. Lessons start at 11. Your first lessons will be battle and co-ordinator classes so you will need to go to the underground courts. After that there’ll be a lunch break and then you’ll have survival class where you’ll have to wait in classroom 1 until your teacher arrives.”

OOC: GOD. That’s horribly long. OTL

Yukito was admiring his Totodile. He had a strong Floatzel once, but never a Totodile. He was very excited to have one. “You and I are going to be the best of friends~!” He smiled, the Totodile nodding in agreement.
Rinika on the other hand was simply staring at her Buneary. She thought he was rather cute, almost like a doll. Actually, the pokemon looked pretty weak. Pathetic, even. She was determined to show exactly how strong he could be. The Buneary didn’t pose much of a reaction, silently staring back. The girl was rather quiet. Not as talkative as other trainers. She really wasn’t talkative at all, as a matter of fact. Rinika reached out a hand, petting the Buneary. The Buneary instinctively pushed her hand back, walking away a few steps. Rinika tilted her head in confusion. She thought all pokemon liked to be petted. Apparently not this one. She then sent out her second pokemon, a Cottonee. A little excited, perhaps. He seemed that he wanted to play with the Buneary. Next pokemon. A sandshrew, nothing much to look at, though he was rather cute. The sandshrew didn’t do much, as he was simply clinging on to Rinika. Yukito’s other two pokemon were strange ones. A Seel and a Lileep. The Lileep was staring at the Totodile, while the Seel was approaching the Totodile, maybe trying to make friends with him.

She looked startled, as he didn’t seem to judge her for her appearance and actually extended his hand. Hesitantly, she shook his hand.

“Sorry about before, I was just thinking about things and…” She stopped herself. “Actually, never mind. My name’s Cilua. Nice to meet you.” She gave him a small smile.

After the tour, she sat on her bed. She had a pile of neatly folded clothes, money she found laying around the abandoned house, dental necessities, a laptop, and a pendant. She also had a small pile of books, some paper, writing utensils, and a C-Gear. She wondered why she had a C-Gear, as she had barely any friends before going to Sunwing Academy.

“Hmm…” She put her clothes in the closet, put the paper and pens/pencils/brushes/ink holders in the drawer beside her bed, started charging her laptop, looped the C-Gear around her wrist, and put the pendant around her neck. The pendant was a painful reminder that life wasn’t fair, but she would and could deal with it. She obviously kept the dental necessities until she need to brush her teeth.

Riel settled down into his bed. It was quite comfy, actually. He took out an silver, compact lyre, in the shape of an Sky Forme Shaymin, his clothes, dental necessities, his journal, and his C-Gear, along with pens and pencils. And of course, his I-Pod, which he already had on hand.

He already had his C-Gear on, and started to chat with his family.

Hylia grinned as she opened her suitcase. She had dental necessities, clothes, 2 combs, her glasses (Which she didn’t actually use, but wear them when she needs to see something), special night-glasses (Used for sneaking out), and a C-Gear.She didn’t actually use it, since she never had a reason to use it in the first place.

She was tuckered out. So she just sat on the bed and waited for 8:30 to come.

Riel looked somewhat pleased at his pokemon. A Tropius! It was calm and collected, like he was sometimes. It looked like it loved bathing in the sun. Wonderful! They’d be fast friends. The Snivy had climbed onto his shoulder and grabbed one of the earbuds for his I-Pod, and calmed down by sitting on his shoulder, listening to music from the Pokemon Musical. He smiled at that. The Spearow was dashing around, claiming bits of grass and flower as its own. Strong, reckless, and stubborn. He could figure how to deal with the Spearow.

“I’ll name you Sylia,” He said, petting the Tropius’s long, graceful neck.“You’ll be Atiro,” He murmured, careful to not let it fall off. “And you’ll be Emerel!” He said, brushing the Spearow’s head as it stopped to look at it’s new trainer. It merely cawed.

Hylia looked at her pokemon. The Sableye was keenly listening in to various sounds, adjusting it’s ear-fins every once in a while. It looked curious, which was a good trait for anyone who gets in trouble. Like her. She grinned at that. The Sneasel looked sly and stealthy, eying Morty’s headband. A thief. She grinned even more at that. The Druddigon was a complete surprise, however. But it’s not like she wasn’t pleased. It was powerful-looking, and was standing around in the sunshine. A definite addition to her apparent troublemaker party.

“You’ll be Kuro.” She said, kneeling next to the Sableye. It seemed to grin at that. “You’ll be Sylia.” She said, directing it at the Sneasel. It gave an crooked smirk. “And you’ll be Riuko.” She said to the Druddigon, standing at attention. It looked like a solider in the light, standing in that particular manner.

Cilua released her Pokemon, and she was delighted with what she saw. A Bronzor, a Swablu, and surprisingly, a Shiny Growlithe.

“Lovely.~” She said, with a slight lilt in her voice. She took an instant liking to her pokemon. Bronzor was wonderful. It only had a few weaknesses, and it showed potential. The Swablu looked mischiveous, a glint in his eye. He would become a dragon type when he evolved, though, meaning he could learn a wider variety of skills. He would be skillful in battle as well. The shiny Growlithe was a bit of a surprise, as Shiny Pokemon were rare. It had a spoiled look to it, but she loved it all the same.

“Great, now these are my new companions.~” She hugged her Pokemon, and scratched her Growlithe behind the ear. It seemed to relax. It looked proud, but she could take care of that easily. A bit of love and care every day could do good to people. She supposed it applied the same to Pokemon.

“You’ll be Loro,” She said, polishing the Bronzor’s smooth surface. It seemed to like being polished. “And you’ll be Jiyuro,” She said quietly to the Swablu as it landed on her shoulder. “And finally, you’ll be Lumina.” She massaged the Growlithe behind the neck. It sat down and enjoyed the relaxing massage.

She looked at the other people. Some were befuddled, and some were adoring their Pokemon. She frowned a bit as Arthur had drawn his hand away from his Zorua.

“Hmm…” She said thoughtfully as she looked at her student trainer card. It gave her a sense of pride, that she had made it so far. Now that she finally has some Pokemon to practice with, it tells her she’s closer to making her own journey.