Ever since the new system was implemented, it has become harder and harder for people to become Pokemon Trainers. At first they were given the Pokemon Trainer"s license after reaching or exceeding a certain age limit, but because of poachers, poor trainers and evil corporations, security had to be raised.
Instead of having the simple age limit to allow a person to become a Trainer, they now have to take a test to earn it. Unfortunately this means that some would never get the chance to start their own journey on the route to be a Pokemon master or co-coordinator. However, this does not stop you from keeping Pokemon as pets or friends, but it does place a limit on what those pets and friends are allowed to do. Those who were already trainers however, would have to take the test, but it would be easier for them as they had obviously been trainers for some time already and shared experiences with their Pokemon.
As difficult as the test may be, there were always schools that could help you. Sunwing Academy was never that popular a school, not until it"s rebuild after the incident with Moltres 3 years ago.
You took a test to try and earn your right as a trainer, but unfortunately you couldn"t pass. You are one of the few lucky enough to receive an invitation to a school seeing as most have run out of spaces or are not as good as they have to be.
Whatever your reasons for attending, you pick up a pen and fill out the form.
RP Rules
-All PMU rules apply.
-At least 3 sentences per post please.
-No OOC only posts. You can always use the Sign Up thread for this if you need too.
-No Mary-Sues/Gary-Oaks. This means no “perfect” characters. Everyone has negatives, just as they have positives.
-Do not Godmod. Be fair, you can"t win every battle, or dodge every attack. You win some, you lose some.
-To prove you have read the rules, at a “Preferred type specialty” field to your Sign Up, under the “Reason for Attending” field and write which area you hope your character will be best at.
-Keep relationships at PG13 at most.
-Please use proper grammar, this means no text talk. Spell check is rather useful.
-If you signed up for the previous roleplay, [link] you may use the same characters.
School Rules
-Any unauthorized use of Pokemon will result in the Pokemon being removed from the student. Further punishment to the student may be dealt if seen necessary.
-Arriving late or missing lessons will result in detention.
-No running in the corridors.
-Students are only allowed to leave the school grounds to go to the city between 15:00 and 19:00. Any students caught outside of the school grounds before or after these times without a member of staff will have their gate card revoked until further notice.
-Staff must be treated with respect or the student may be removed from the class.
-Pokemon battles and training will only be allowed in the forest or the underground courts with a member of staff present.
-Students are not allowed in the staff building without authorization.
-Give the staff your candy.
-The use of Pokegear, Poketch, C-gear and other similar devices are banned during classes.
The Staff
Sunwing Academy"s teachers are well known for their success in the world of Pokemon. The teachers they offer are rather well known as the majority of them are in fact Gym leaders. Unfortunately they can"t always be around so unfortunately there is a rather random school timetable. However, the school has some teachers who work full-time, giving some sort of stability to the school lesson chart.
[spoilerSchool Timetable:2cf424gl]Mon, Wed, Fri
8:20 - 8:45: Registration
8:50 - 9: 40: Elemental Class
-Teaches about different Pokemon Types-
Teacher: -Will be announced/See Chart-
9:45 - 10:45: Health Class
-Teaches how to treat wounds and look after your Pokemon-
Teacher: Nurse Joy
10:45 - 10:55 Break
11:00 - 12:00: Co-ordinator Class
-Teaches the aesthetics of battling by teaching the pupils about Pokemon contests.-
Teacher: Wallace/Dawn
12:05 - 13:05: Battle Class
-Teaches the Pupils strategies and tricks which could help them in battle, ties in with Elemental Classes-
Teacher: Clair/Blue
13:05 - 13. 55: Lunch
14:00 - 15:00: Survival Class
-Teaches how to survive in the wilderness, how to cope if lost/separated and how to cook.-
Teacher: Brock/Cilan
15:00 - 15:30 - 16:00: Detention
Tues, Thurs
8:20 - 8:45: Registration
8:50 - 9:40: Breeding Class
-Teaches about the different species and egg groups of Pokemon-
Teacher: Brock
9:45 - 10:45: Elemental Class
-Teaches about different Pokemon Types-
Teacher: -Will be announced/See Chart-
10:45 - 10:55 Break
11:00 - 12:00: Item Class
-Teaches about all the different items and their uses.
Teacher: Nurse Joy
12:05 - 13:05: Elemental Class 2
-Teaches about different Pokemon Types-
Teacher: -Will be announced/See Chart-
13:05 - 13:55: Lunch
14:00 - 15:00: Survival Class
-Teaches how to survive in the wilderness, how to cope if lost/separated and how to cook.-
Teacher: Cilan/Brock
15:00 - 15:30 - 16:00: Detention
[spoilerElemental Classes:2cf424gl]Normal: Norman/Lenora
Fire: Blaine/Flannery
Fighting: Brawly/Maylene
Water: Wallace/Juan/Misty
Flying: Falkner/Winona
Grass: Gardenia/Erika
Poison: Janine/Roxie
Electric: Volkner/Elesa
Ground: Clay/Bertha
Psychic: Lucian/Sabrina
Rock: Roark/Roxanne
Ice: Pryce/Candice
Bug: Bugsy/Aaron
Dragon: Clair/Drayden
Ghost: Morty/Shauntal
Dark: Sidney/Grimsley
Steel: Jasmine/Byron
[spoilerSchool Floor Plan:2cf424gl]Click here for the map.
[spoilerDorm Arrangements:2cf424gl]The level of the dorms are equal, but occasionally the school will hold competitions between the dorms.
Entei Dorm
Sapphy128-Maria Wickers
-Terry Smith
Agunimon-Alexandra McKenzie
MarieTheMareep-Cosette Meridith Sharron
XxSorraxX-Yukito Kanade
Dratini-Hylia Sovira Tenula
Suicune Dorm
Sapphy128-Alice Stanford
ShinyUmbreon1998-Alice Alexander
Maraia-Garrohn Hilior
Luraila-Estelle Ravendale
Dratini-Riel Cillerion
XxSorraxX-Rinika Kanade
Raikou Dorm
Sapphy128-Emily Rose
-Arthur Redgrave
Dratini-Cilua Ryuu Alie
Nuxl-Blake Ratchet
Luraila-Amaryllis Silvanus