~The -=Official=- Leave/Return[Temporarily] Thread~

After stupid fourms account freaked up… Im back! Yep its me Jole and i might start playin pmu again! Peace!

Your back!
-insert happy dance-

Jolex, welcome back.

Oh, right. Forgot.

Yeah, I waz gone n stuff. Now I’m back. Epic, right? Cuz now Nommin-- wait. Shes dead. Nevermind. WELL BIG SHEEP THING CAN EAT YOU NOW D:<… And teh ching will… make you deaf…? =rambling=


Thanks! :D =is totally crazy=


After some time of errors and tests, im back to pmu, and hope I can stay.

Nice to see you back in PMU, haya.

As for me, with the release of world of warcraft, Cataclysm i do not have much time to spend on PMU,I want to get into the expansion as fast as i can so i will not be in game until around December 11th - 13th, as for the forums i may just skim through and anwser any questions i can when i am waiting for a que for a dungeon or battleground…

In other words, i’m taking a short break to play wow, i will be back in due time.


Weeell…lookz like ima leaving too :’(…i guess im not leaving forever, unless something really bad happens, and ill be on very rarely…i just cant stand how little the game is right now, plus my life is sucking alot right now…im going to come back when PMU has alot more pokemon avalible to use, so for now everybody…a fairwell DX…but before i go, ill still be on chatango and stuff, so PM me! (im looking at you staff, your just so fun to talk to XD)…now i HAVE missed alot, so im going to say my fairwells and welcome backs i should have said long ago…
To Birdeh: im sorry that you cant play as much anymore…i GUESS you can say we are friends, though we had ALOT of problems in PMU6, ill miss you Birdeh D:
To Andy: well well, Hiya Andy, glad your still here and im glad you and Ino are still doing really great~ :D, see ya for a longish while old friend~
To Ino: gives a box of bloody brownies and cookies XD, be on PMs and stuff, so we can talk for old times~ :3
To KMK: lolz hiya, havent scene you for a long time XD, Ino said shes going to get you to sue me for using your…face? or whatever, cya for a while friend~
To Sprinko: allo Sprinko, we have had some fun times, i remember when we played Truth or Dare and you agreed to be my mommy XD!, but continue you good work like you always do! and ill cya whenever you apear anywhere, and as soty would say “EBIL PENGUIN”…for now, BAI MAMA SPRINKO :D
To Reggie: OBJECTION! XD, Heya, if ya get this, ill miss ya old friend, PM me once in a while so we can chat~ :D, cya…
Chiko: hiya Chiko, if ya see this, good luck with everything~ be on the Reborn server if ya ever want to battle on Pokemon Online~ :3 bai bai…
To Jinx: well well well, Jinxypoo (and yes i just called ya by that name XD), long time no see my…i guess friend, whenever you see this get on Chatange and PM me so we can catch up ok? and one more thing i must say, looks like your my dad if sprinko is my mom XD, well thats what soty said, but im k with that XD!!!, so…PM me man and lets catch up! gives a bag of tea
To Pikablu: Hello PMU maker, atleast since Link left…i just want to say, thanks for all that you have done for PMU, you have left us with a gift you could say, now continue that good work and make me…no, ALL OF US PROUD of everything you can do! hope it all works out really soon! Bye…
if i missed anyone, good luck and good bye for now!

Now on one very last note, a place you CAN find me is on Pokemon Online, im…i guess one quiet often, but if you deside to wana chat with me, other then Chatango, come on to the Reborn server, im in the leauge XD…so…FAIRWELL MY FRIENDS, DO YOUR BEST MY FRIENDS!!! STAY WELL AND GOOD LUCK TO YOU ALL!!!

Sniffle bye Mikey I will vs you as often as I can don’t worry.

many happy returns to the returnees.
and sad goodbyes to the leavers.
I should hope you all see promising futures in/without the game.

Welcome back.

Wrong place to post it though, a post in the temporary leave thread is preferred by the staff… don’t be surprised if this is merged.

My parents appreantly decided to limit my computer time after missing school one day because I was RPing. So I’ll be leaving until this blows over again. May be on the Chatango, might be on here, but won’t be on the game nor the Skype. If you need to contact me for something OTHER than PMU, AIM / MSN is Clustercarter (@hotmail.com for MSN.)


Aw, Elementalpowerstar I’ll miss you! :(

I am here just to say that I am 10.(And I’m smart) I don’t like inappropiate stuff. I will be inactive until I hear your Reporting System is better. Farewell. :(

Not entirely sure how this can be done… but cya D:

Back, nothing’s new as usual. So I guess I might as well come out of hiding now. I’ll be on skype again.

wb eric

Welcome back.

HEY! I’m back, haven’t been on for a month or two. For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Appa. I’ve been on PMU for almost 2 years, I joined in mid April 2009. Nothing much to say. I missed all of my friends, but I think some of them might of quit. So can someone tell me if Blazi, or Sheepie are active, or if Sz64 is coming back… I know I’m missing a few people… sigh it isn’t good to forget about friends x.x So, yup. I’m back, hopefully ;)

I dont think so Appa, havnt seen any one of them.

anyways welcome back Appa.

Well that’s too bad. But thanks. :)