EDIT: Since I’ve been promoted to staff on October 14, 2015, some may claim this may not be valid. All of this was done when I was still a player. No controversy necessary.
[^ not serious btw]
Table of Contents
Starting Out
Late Game
SF and DD
Merchanting Tips
Hi, I’m Nuxl, and this is a guide to obtain quick and easy cash. I’ve been playing PMU since July 2012, quit after the rollback, and picked it up again starting November of last year where I’ve pretty much completed most of my goals for this game. I wrote this guide to help people starting out with money issues, as well as to aid high leveled players to secure thrones on the market.
Firstly, I would like to put this here for those of you who don’t think I’m serious-
prepare yourselves
Obtained within legit means, no hacks.
So how did I obtain this much money?
Well, I’ll explain it all in this guide.
Starting Out
So, you might be a new player who has just picked their starter, maybe leveled up to about level 20ish and has recruited some team members. You might be lost in this open world, and have no idea where to start.
That’s why I’m here to guide you through, right?
First things first. You know that thing called the Mission Board? Scan any missions that may have rewards like Reviver Seeds or Honey. take them and do them. These two items are in especially high demand and can give you loads of money if sell them. They can even be rewards in dungeons like Pebble Cave or Seaside Cavern, so make sure you check the board often!
Second, take any boxes you might find and pick up anything that “glimmers” on the ground. If you have a ghost type Pokemon or a Mobile Scarf, look in the walls. Boxes can hold revives, family items, or even honey in deluxe boxes in early dungeons, and you can sell family items for fair prices. Anything that glimmers on the ground can sometimes be an item called a shard. There are 4 different types, each with different amounts of demands. usually, people want red and blue the most so sell them for the highest!
Understand that you might have to level a bit before actually getting super rich. My usual training route as a lower level pokemon is to go to Mt. Skylift.
entrance to Mt. Skylift
It has loads of exp, so keep training here until you get to level 40! There can also be lots of shards and Reviver Seeds here on the ground, so pick these up and get some starting funds. There’s also secret rooms at higher floors that could have Nuggets or Old Ambers, both very decent, profitable items.
Now you’re climbing up the levels! Maybe if you’ve been getting some shards, Revivers, etc, you should be around the 20k-100k range by now. You still might need to level higher in order to get more cash, but you’re doing good right now.
If you’re around level 35, I would recommend you go to Winden Forest(entrance below) and grab yourself a Teddiursa. Teddiursa is an amazing Pokemon in this game because it has two amazing abilities- Honey Gather and Pickup. Basically, how both of these abilities work is whenever you step onto the next floor with Teddiursa(you have to only do it with Teddiursa, it DOES NOT work if you use another pokemon on your team), it has a chance of finding a random item, or a honey(The chance of this working is level/4, and that’s your percent out of 100. e.g level 28 is 28/4, so it’s 7 out of 100 percent of getting honey/pickup every floor). Train that Teddiursa, and it’ll give you some sweet loot later on. If you evolve it, keep in mind that Ursaring does not get these abilities, so it will not have the chance of finding stuff.
Entrance to Winden Forest
You know a good place to get Honey is? Why, nothing other than Honeydrop Meadow of course! As well as being a great place to train at low 30s with fire/flying types, it also has high chances of getting honey. What I suggest is getting your Teddiursa that you’ve gotten earlier and run through it until you’ve got suitable honey. Then, sell that honey to make good money.
Entrance to Honeydrop Meadow
Right now, this is your easiest and most efficient option for money until you get to higher levels. Some good grinding spots are Southern Sea at high 30s, Rustic Savannah at 40s, CI at high 40s, and Snowveil Den at low-high 50s.
There’s a couple more spots I wanted to mention, which are two dungeons in Tanren.
First, we’ve got Reviver Seed haven, Beach Bunker!
entrance to Beach Bunker
This dungeon has an absurdly high rate of finding Reviver Seeds on each floor. Not much to say, but I would recommend grabbing X-Ray Specs(can be found in PBA, or bought for about 10-15k), and running through with Teddiursa for maximum gain.
The second is Tanren Mines.
entrance to Tanren Mines
This dungeon has diamonds in the walls, which can be sold to Kecleon for some nice money. Said diamonds are common too, and you should make a couple thousand Poke every run. It’s also not bad for leveling as well.
Late Game
Right now, I’m hoping you’re around level 55-60. You may have also grabbed some cash too. Regardless, around this level your amount of money will be able to increase exponentially around this point. There’s four dungeons in this section, and all of them can provide loads of money.
First up is Mysterious Jungle, the best training spot in the game(imo). At your level, or depending on your typing, this dungeon might be hard to go alone in, but grab a party of 4 if you can and the exp will flow. It is decent with money too, as there are secret rooms that can hold relics, TMs, or some evolution items. At the end of the dungeon, there are two endboxes as well. Mew also has a miniscule chance of dropping a Miracle Chest, a 25% bonus to exp. Miracle Chests are incredibly high in demand, and sell for a lot if you take it to the right person.
entrance to Mysterious Jungle
The next dungeon we have is Tanren Chambers. I’m not going into much detail here about it, it’s incredibly confusing, but the Tanren Chambers guide can help explain more. Items to note are, every fossil, Exp All, Magmarizer, and Electrizer, all of which sell for great prices. Fossils and Exp Alls can sell for 100k+ each to other players, while the latter two items are varied depending on player interest, but still are very pricey.
entrance to Tanren Chambers
SF and DD
Both of these dungeons are absolutely insane in terms of end rewards. However, I would recommend being 80+ going to them, and 90+ to comfortably solo.
Sky Fortress is a pretty cool dungeon, in my opinion. You’ll have to beat Mt. Stormhold, then have to pass through SF’s other paths to get each orb before unlocking the true path. Money will land in your inventory so fast it’s not even funny. The (final) boss of this dungeon is Rayquaza, who is very hard in his own right, but grab a pokemon with clear smog and wipe his boosts away, then switch to a high leveled attacker and show him in his place. End Boxes can hold Golden Masks and Miracle Chests, both very high selling items, and Relic Crowns, an item you can sell to Kecleon for 100k. Wow. Missions here are also the best in the game, and rewards can scale up to giving Oval Stones, and dusts. Other paths can give you TMs such as Flamethrower, Thunderbolt, and Ice Beam- which can sell for nice prices as well
entrance to Sky Fortress
Dragon’s Descent is the ultimate end game dungeon, but it’s the quickest to get money in. 70 floors filled with dragons galore, and an endgame boss like Rayquaza that isn’t as hard(again, clear smog is your friend!). Endboxes hold a lot of Relics, and there’s a decent chance of getting them too. Missions here aren’t as good as SF’s, but they’re still decent on their own right. In the depths of this dungeon, there are Focus Blast TMs lying around that can also help.
entrance to Dragon's Descent
Merchanting Tips
Some people don’t like leveling. That was me a couple years back, but you can still make a lot of money without getting higher than level 40. I’m going to assume you have a comfortable amount of money to start fresh in, like maybe around 50kish?
People have shops. Go to them- and buy for low, sell for high. If you’re buying, for example, honey, buy it for 1k each. Sell the honey again for 2k each, and you’ve just made a 1k profit on the item itself. It can work with a lot of other items too, just know the current prices and always try to sell higher than what it’s worth for the best profit.
Haggle prices. When a seller asks you to offer, say a lower price than what the current price is. Try to haggle for the best bargain that you can- but if you can’t, I’d just buy it anyway if there’s not a lot of said item going around.
Event tokens can make you easy money. Not as much as it used to, since more and more events have been popping around and more people have gotten things from the shop but you can still get a bunch of money. Never ever use your tokens on anything other than Gems or Globes for the maximum profit. Gems can sell for 500-700k each depending on seller, and Globes, 1 million plus.
Using the shard shop isn’t very efficient, except for Exp. All. That’s the only thing worth getting, in my opinion.
Items to look out for, and merch off of are- Shards, Reviver Seeds, Honey, intermediate evolution stones, family items, and strong TMs like Psychic, Shadow Ball, etc. These are common things sold on Global.
You can sell some items to the Kecleon Shop for high prices.
Star Pieces sell for 5k, Nuggets for 5k, Big Nuggets for 10k, Relic Bronze for 100 poke, Relic Silver for 500 poke, Stardust for 2k, Relic Vase for 30k, Relic Statue for 70k, Relic Band for 50k, and Relic Crowns for 100k.
Here’s a good link for prices.
Well, that’s it, I suppose. Special shoutout to Festivo for giving me the idea to do this guide, you nerd.
Thanks for the grammar checks, Festivo and Cactus.
Thanks for Erlade for a review and tips to outline the guide. Big help.
Most importantly, thanks for reading this, and hopefully this’ll help you with money management!